James Spiegel

The Destroy

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quise nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea consequat.

United States
23 Years
2.7KDA Ratio
Kills P.
Win Rate
Avg. Kills
in all time
Avg. Deaths
in all time
Avg. Assists
in all time
Avg. Damage
in all time

Recent Games Stats

Date Versus Results Kills Deaths Assists Gold Damage
L.A. Pirates
United States
W 7 0 2 9712 10850
South Korea
W 9 11 6 15408 22300
Bloody Wave
W 3 0 1 6600 11200
L.A. Pirates
United States
L 4 9 11 10701 18201
Lucky Clovers
L 8 8 8 10652 16500
Ocean Kings
W 12 5 2 18806 27621

Main Stats

Total Career Stats

Total Kills in his career 54
Total Deaths in his career 36
Total Assists in his career 36
Gold in his career 87.5K
Kills Participation in his career 43
Win Rate in his career 75
Avg. Kills in his career 7
Avg. Total Deaths in his career 4.5
Avg. Total Assists in his career 5.3
Avg. Total Damage in his career 17.8K
Avg. Total Gold in his career 12K
Avg. Total Gold/min in his career 441
Kills Participation % in his career 43
KDA Ratio in his career 2.7

Player Related News

Player History Stats

Additional Stats

  • 75.0
    Win Rate
    in all time
  • 43
    Kills Participation
    in all time
  • 2.7
    Avg. KDA Ratio
    in all time
  • 441
    Avg. Gold per Min
    in all time

Player Stats

Player Newslog

  • Pro Gamer The Destroy (James Spiegel) has joined the League of Heroes Alchemists team!
    January 7, 2020
  • The Destroy (James Spiegel) has left the Xenowatch Clovers team!
    October 22, 2018
  • The Destroy has won the League of Heroes World Tournament!
    April 13, 2018